Mentor Connect | Mentor Mentor EOI Application Mentor Expression of Interest Applicant Details: First Name Last Name Email* Phone Current/most recent role and title? Current Employer (if applicable): How many years have you been in current role to date? Application Information Business Industry: Please nominate the industry segment and role that best matches your business and current position. Industry Segment Finance Human Resources Marketing Retail Hospitality Personal Care IT Other... (Please tell us what in the section below Industry Other... Role Consultant Team Leader Agency/Department Manager Owner Sales Marketing Product Finance IT Other (Please state in the section below) Role other... Business Owners If you own a business, please nominate your business structure Sole Trader Partnership Company Is your business home based? Yes No Describe your business or employment What other professional disciplines/functions do you have experience in, either here or with other employers? _________________________________ I can be a mentor on these specific topics or activities (if no preference, please leave blank): Finance - Succession planning, business, cashflow/budgets/costings/software/estate planning Human Resources - Processes/policies/recruitment/resume writing/conflict resolution Performance Management Marketing - Digital/social media/communications/branding/CRMs Trademark/paten Income Legal Leadership Scale Technology/innovation Productivity/streamlining Product Development Importing eCommerce Trade Platforms Information about industry trends & technical development Please list other areas in the section below Other mentoring fields... Why be a mentor? Everyone chooses to mentor for a variety of reasons. Please give us an insight into why you would like to be considered a mentor in this program. Do you have any previous mentoring experience? Please detail... What skills do you possess that you believe will add value to a mentee? Would you be interested in taking on more than one mentee? (Each mentee relationship would be one-on-one for two/one-hour sessions). If yes, what is the maximum number of mentees you would be willing to commit to in the first instance? Are there any other key business strengths you feel you can bring to your mentee? Do you have a current National Police Clearance? Yes No Do you have a current Working With Children check? Yes No If not, are you prepared to apply for these documents? Yes No I can provide a photograph of myself for the Mentor Connect program... Yes No Mentor Declaration | By submitting an expression of interest to be a mentor, I acknowledge and accept the following: 1. I have read and understood the mentoring program guidelines* 2. I understand WiBRD can take no responsibility for any advice or information exchanged between myself and a mentee or a mentor* 3. My name, preferred contact details, professional photograph and employment details will be made available on the Mentoring portal as a part of this program* 4. I will discuss and complete a mentoring agreement with my mentee to help ensure clarity and shared expectations.* 5. I will treat in the strictest confidence all information and matters discussed in a mentoring relationship with a mentee.* 6. I will provide feedback as requested to enable effective evaluation of the WiBRD Mentor Connect program* Please verify your request* Submit Marketing by ActiveCampaign