July – Empowering women in business Lunch
The next luncheon for 2019 will be held on Friday the 19th July at Commodore on the Park from 1pm.
Hosted by Cathy Beckman, this is an informal lunch allowing for everyone to network with others that are in attendance. Bring along your friends &/or work colleagues for a lovely Friday lunch catch up.
Information for pre orders will be available prior to the day.
To book your place text 0478088817
The WIBRD ‘Supporting Each Other in Business’ Lunches are generally held on the 4th or last Friday of every month.
The informal lunches are open to all women and will be a set booking at a sponsors venue and provide a forum for those that attend to talk honestly about their business, develop professional relationships to work together to support each other, help each other through obstacles and mentor one another. The lunches are a wonderful way to get out of the office meet some new people and have lunch!
Each member pays for their individual lunch and bookings are simply a text message at least a day prior to the lunch to the particular WIBRD Board Member hosting the lunch.