
Welcome to our new Team Members

Caitlin Kennedy
I am a born and bred Mount Gambier woman. I currently live in Mount Gambier with my partner and our three dogs, we also have a farm in Western Victoria. I have previously worked as a journalist for the Border Watch. I currently work in Marketing & Community Relations, along with social media management as a side project. The biggest challenge I have faced professionally or personally is believing in myself and knowing my worth within a workplace. My favourite place to visit in the Limestone Coast area is the beach and to walk around the beautiful Blue Lake. My key piece of advice for our members would be to always be upskilling and focusing on further education to make the most out of their selected career pathway.

Jessie Butler – Executive Assistant
Jessie moved to Mount Gambier from the Adelaide Hills in January. For almost two years she has worked in marketing roles with Mercedes-Benz. From 2015 – 2017 Jessie ran her own company, The Social Sommelier, which was a Social Media & Digital Advertising company, solely for the wine industry. Jessie has studied International Business and Luxury Marketing across four different countries. Growing people’s businesses through her social media & digital advertising skills is what really drives her. You’ll often find Jessie hopping between Coonawarra cellar doors or hiking with her husband and German Shepherd.


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