
WiBRD Board. Expressions of Interest Sought

Are you a proactive & community minded person looking to be involved with a group of inspirational and empowered board members?
WiBRD are seeking expressions of interest from interested parties to join our board and have both Treasurer and board member positions available.

As a board member you will become an active member of an organisation that plays an important role in connecting, advocating and celebrating women, business and regional development in the Limestone Coast.

Board members have responsibilities for key areas of the organisation including events, training and media, governance, finance and awards. As Treasurer you will have experience using xero. If any of these areas are of interest, we encourage you to apply to be a part of this learning and encouraging board.

All discussions and expressions of interest will be kept confidential and should be addressed to the Chair Jacinta Jones – [email protected] or Executive Officer (EO) Lydia Mules – [email protected]


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